Saturday 15 December 2012

Goals . . .

I guess everyone starts giving a few non-committal thoughts to the subject of goals around this time of year, with New Year's resolutions coming up. But I am thinking about it much more this year, having listened to Angela Coulter's webex on shared decision making, having seen this posted on twitter by Leeds & York NHS PFT (@leedsandyorkpft) . . .

and discovered this blog ( . .
My goals are different to my new year resolutions (not yet made), because they require other people to help me meet them, and are specifically related to my health.

For example, one of my goals is to to try sailing - which needs input from my physio, orthotists, neurologists and sailing people, not to mention my parents - quite a team really!
Another is to sort out my medications - I know there are more out there to try and am debating the effectiveness of the ones I am currently on. I need to have an open discussion and review of this with my neurologists.
I want to have greater control over my mental health - I am trying, but anticipate top-ups with my counsellors through the year to maintain the progress I have already made.
I have other less medically focused goals, such as to increase my hours at work, increase my independence and ability to travel - which may not directly involve my doctor, but actually the above are the outcomes I want from my treatment - so they need to know!

So my goal for 2013 is not only to make goals, but to communicate them to my healthcare professionals - as without them, I can't meet my personal goals!

Whatever your goals are for 2013, I wish you the best of luck with them!

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